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PMMI Podcast

Episode #77 - PMMI CYBER ALERT: Batten Down the Hatches

March 2, 2022

Guests: Andy Lomasky, IT Director, PMMI and Bryan Griffen Sr. Director, Industry Services, PMMI 

With the development of the recent events in Ukraine and U.S. sanctions on Russia starting to sink in, government authorities are warning of imminent increases in state-sponsored hacking attempting to disrupt infrastructure and supply chains. This episode of unPACKed with PMMI interrupts its regular schedule to welcome PMMI IT Director Andy Lomasky and OT Specialist and PMMI Sr. Director, Industry Services, Bryan Griffen. The pair deliver five quick recommendations to assist all employees — on and off the plant floor — in doing everything they can to secure operations.



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Sean Riley: We interrupt your regularly schedule podcast with a special emergency PMMI CYBER ALERT. With the development of the recent events in Ukraine and US sanctions starting to sink in, authorities are warning of imminent increases in state sponsored hacking attempting to disrupt our infrastructure and supply chains.  Here at PMMI we are fortunate to have an IT Specialist in Andy Lomasky and an OT Specialist Bryan Griffen to help you secure your operations. Gentleman take it away:

Andy Lomasky:  There has been a significant increase in cyberattack activity targeting critical infrastructure and essential industries like manufacturing.  To protect our country, our industry, and our individual companies, here are five things you can do right now to enhance your company's cybersecurity 

Bryan Griffen: Tip #1 – Ensure that all of your devices, operating systems, firmware and software are patched and up to date and that all have an anti-virus or anti-malware tool that is capable of detecting sophisticated threats, like Ransomware, deployed across your organization. 

Andy Lomasky: Tip #2 – If you haven't already, implement multi-factor authentication on as many of your logins & accounts as possible.  And make sure you passwords are long and complex to prevent them from being easily cracked.

Bryan Griffen: Tip #3 - Scan your network - know what is on it and make sure that you know how to configure it to protect it.  Especially those hidden devices on the manufacturing floor like wi-fi modems.  And if you don't know how to locate these devices, ask for help, before something happens.

Andy Lomasky: Tip #4 - Back up everything that's important to the operation of your business and have a good IT disaster recovery and business continuity plan.  Know where your backups are and test getting your data back before there is an incident.

Bryan Griffen: Tip #5 - Train ALL of your employees on what cybersecurity threats look like, from phishing & smishing to spoofing to malware.  Employees are your first line of defense on the front lines every day!

Sean Riley: “And as a special bonus, here’s a tip you can do RIGHT NOW!  Don’t let this information stop with you.  Press forward on this podcast/video and distribute this information within your organization to help ensure you are protected.”