Industry Reports
Quantifiable outlook of specific markets or trends as it pertains to the packaging and processing industry.
2025 Aftermarket Parts & Services
This report explores in greater detail how the aftermarket space is growing, what end users expect and need most from their aftermarket partners, what new technologies are emerging, and what actionable recommendations OEMs and their suppliers can consider to improve their aftermarket services.
2025 Beverage Industry Packaging Trends
This white paper provides the industry with insights into beverage packaging trends that will impact the packaging and processing industry.
2024 Data Acquisition, Sharing and Utilization
This white paper explores both the obstacles and benefits of integrating growing levels of digital connectivity and data utilization into manufacturing operations to enhance operational efficiency.
2024 Technology & Workforce: Using Smart Technologies to Bridge the Skills Gap
This white paper highlights how technology can help address issues such as labor shortages, high turnover, and the widening skills gap.
2024 Snack Foods Packaging Trends
This white paper provides the industry with insights and findings that explore the issues, latest industry developments, forecasts and trends guiding the investments in packaging and processing equipment and technology in the Snack Foods industry.
2024 Contract Packaging & Manufacturing: Drivers of Machinery Investments
Contract packaging (CP) and contract manufacturing (CM) have been steadily growing across consumer goods manufacturing segments. From food to pharmaceuticals, brand owners and large manufacturing organizations are turning to CP/CM partners to handle part or all of their production and packaging needs. While each industry has its own unique considerations, there are several commonalities that speak to all CP/CM organizations.
2024 The AI Advantage in Equipment: Boosting Performance and Bridging Skills Gap
AI is important for the packaging and processing industry and its potential is revealed as the range of possible solutions expands. Although AI is seen as a relatively new technology, machine learning has been present in a variety of forms for many years. It has now progressed far beyond a theoretical concept, with a host of practical applications of AI throughout the packaging industry.
2024 Transforming Packaging and Processing Operations
It is clear that data and technology is playing an increasingly important role across the industry, and there will also be a growing role for AI within packaging and processing. There are varying degrees of engagement with new technologies, with many participants expressing a desire to explore these further, utilizing them to address the skills gaps that continue to hamper the industry, and enhance their business operations.
2024 Craft Beer and Spirits: Success Through Packaging
This white paper covers the craft beer and spirits industries to help better understand the unmet packaging needs of craft producers and the future trajectory of the craft industry as a whole.
2024 Trends in Remote Services & Monitoring
Many end-users saw the benefits remote services can provide to their operations during the Covid-19 pandemic and have continued to request remote assistance from their suppliers. This whitepaper explores how end-users are choosing which remote services to use and which they are investing in for the future, what barriers are preventing end-users from adopting some remote services over others, and how remote services can address skills gaps in the workforce.
2023 Achieving Vertical Startups
The importance of communication, involving all relevant stakeholders early in the process, ownership of tasks, and robust planning all came out clearly as key factors in achieving successful vertical start-ups.
2023 Moving to Sustainable Packaging: Closing the Innovation Gap
Global sustainable packaging policies and swiftly changing domestic legislation are impacting the rate at which manufacturers need to change packaging materials and the discussions revealed clear movement towards more sustainable packaging and practices, such as reducing carbon footprints.
2023 Building an Effective Talent Strategy for the Packaging Industry
This white paper provides recommendations based on over 30 years of recruiting industry experience and features firsthand accounts from companies in the packaging industry, detailing their resources and strategies for talent attraction, hiring, and retention. Using these insights, your organization will be able to improve your strategic approach to its greatest asset - the people that make up your business
2023 Packaging and Automation in the Warehouses of the Future
Many consumer packaged goods companies' (CPGs) warehouses are still highly manual and often operating from outdated buildings with unsuitable layouts, causing bottlenecks in their operations. Warehouse automation offers a wide range of opportunities and benefits to CPGs and the third-party logistics companies (3PLs) many choose to carry out direct-to-consumer (D2C) fulfillment on their behalf.
2023 Dairy Industry Report
The dairy industry has faced numerous obstacles in the last few years - from supply chain struggles to fluctuating consumer demand, dairy producers have been challenged to maximize efficiency in their operations. Despite these difficulties, the future of the dairy industry is bright – especially for those producers open to innovation and collaboration.