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International Research

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Guide to Global Markets 2019

August 29, 2019
PMMI's 2019 Guide to Global Markets provides insight into key markets for packaging and processing machinery over the last year. Highlights include forecasts on crucial markets for packaging and processing machinery and in-depth analysis of important trends impacting the market. If you need actionable guidance on how to expand your business internationally, then this report is for you.
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2019 India Packaging Machinery Market Intelligence

July 11, 2019
An Analysis of Market Opportunities for Packaging Machinery Manufacturers.
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Global Packaging Trends Report 2019

July 9, 2019
A market research study highlighting future packaging demand, product categories, and opportunities for growth in packaging amongst fast-growing and maturing world economies.
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Mexico's Packaging Machinery Market Trends and Forecast 2019-2020

June 6, 2019
An Analysis of Market Opportunities for Packaging Machinery Manufacturers
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2019 Competitiveness of Chinese Packaging Machinery Manufacturers

June 5, 2019
The goal of this study is to understand the activit's and positions of five Chinese Packaging Machinery Makers.
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2019 The Thailand Packaging Machinery Sector

June 5, 2019
This market study assesses the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, personal care, home care and consumer appliance sectors in Thailand, with the ultimate objective to help PMMI members understand the market potential for packaging machinery in the country.
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Brazil Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2018

November 30, 2018
Interest rates in Brazil remain largely misunderstood. PMMI's new 2018 Brazil Packaging Machinery Market Assessment reports that the actual cost of borrowing by local Brazilian businesses remains among the highest, globally. The report covers trends within the food, beverage, personal and home care and pharmaceutical industries.
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Mexico Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2018

September 17, 2018
Looking for Insight into the Mexican packaging machinery market? The new Packaging Machinery Opportunities in Mexico report highlights several positive factors indicating packaging machinery demand in Mexico will continue to thrive. The report also provides recommendations for PMMI members on approaching the Mexican market.
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Canada Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2018

September 17, 2018
Discover all you need to know about the Canadian packaging machinery market ? the brand new PMMI report, The Market for Packaging Machinery in Canada, indicates that the market for packaging equipment and machinery in Canada is robust. Manufacturers and customers alike are optimistic about investments in new capabilities to meet growing demand.
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Guide to Global Markets 2018

August 27, 2018
PMMI's 2018 Guide to Global Markets provides insight into key markets for packaging and processing machinery over the last year. Highlights include forecasts on crucial markets for packaging and processing machinery and in-depth analysis of important trends impacting the market. If you need actionable guidance on how to expand your business internationally, then this report is for you.
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Guide to Global Markets 2017

October 3, 2017
This is the third edition of PMMI's annual Guide to Global Markets. Many of the packaging trends and broader economic themes covered in this edition should resonate with PMMI members, as we have touched on these topics in the previous edition of this report or other PMMI research publications over the past year. Some of the industry?s significant packaging trends are becoming increasingly critical or more nuanced in detail, which we will highlight in this report. This comprehensive guide, published by PMMI, The Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies provides analysis and insight into key global markets for packaging machinery over the last year. The Guide highlights include: Forecasts & analysis on key markets for packaging and processing machinery. In depth analysis of key trends impacting the packaging & processing machinery market. A list of import duties, international packaging tradeshows, key industry contacts and top global CPGs and Retailers.
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Interpack Review 2017

June 28, 2017
The 2017 interpack Report offers a taste of the innovations and technologies PMMI Media Group editors and PMMI'staff felt were worthy to share with members who did not make the trek across the pond to Germany or did not have the opportunity to walk the entire show floor of 2,865 exhibitors spread across 20 halls.
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Colombia Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2017

June 7, 2017

With its size and strategic geographical position, its relative political and economic stability and its many free trade agreements in the region, Colombia is not only an attractive market in itself but as a gateway to the Latin American market as a whole. This report, commissioned by PMMI, highlights the current situation of Colombia, as well as the opportunities and challenges its packaging machinery sector offers. From 45 interviews conducted with companies in 5 key sectors (food, beverage, pharmaceutical, personal care, and other industries), the report deduces some concrete recommendations for those PMMI members interested in entering or growing their presence in Colombia.


This report was produced by ongresso Colombia S.A.S, a Colombian company of Swiss origin that specializes in market investigations and assists foreign companies that seek to enter Colombia’s developing and dynamic economy.

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Mexico Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2017

June 7, 2017
This report focuses on showcasing packaging machinery opportunities in the region (Jalisco, its seven neighboring states, as well as Sinaloa and Quer?taro). The main purpose of this research was to find out if Mexican companies are moving forward with packaging machinery investments considering the recent peso depreciation, the election of President Donald Trump and the White House?s policies regarding trade with Mexico as well as identify specific companies with packaging machinery investment plans.
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Global Packaging Trends Report 2017

April 4, 2017
This presentation explores key trends driving development and innovation in primary packaging, such as, increasing awareness of health and wellness, growing concerns of environmental impact, as well as rising disposable incomes, while seeking to identify hot spots for packaging growth in all regions throughout the world. Key views that are addressed in the global packaging market are regional, cross-regional and country-specific trends, data analysis and qualitative observations. data points and qualitative analysis in 80 countries, covering nearly 30 industries, including packaging. Data used in this presentation includes only final consumer product packaging. Excluded from this presentation is data regarding shipping packaging or other non-final consumer product packaging.

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Europe Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2017

January 1, 2017
This report provides and overview of the of the European packaging machinery industry, including market sizing and growth forecasts for key machinery sectors, industries and major countries, as well as commentary on trends impacting the market.
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Summary of Mexico Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2017

January 1, 2017
This summary is an overview of the Mexico Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2017.
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Indonesia Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2016

September 7, 2016
This market research study assesses the demand for packaging machinery in the food, beverage, pharmaceutical, personal care and industrial sectors in Indonesia, with the ultimate objective to assist in identifying the market potential for PMMI members? products in the country. It incorporates the findings obtained through secondary research as well as surveys with Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies and CPG packaging machinery manufacturers/suppliers in Indonesia.
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India Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2016

August 25, 2016
The India Packaging Machinery Market Assessment provides an analysis of market opportunities for packaging machinery manufacturers. The purpose of this document is to allow PMMI members currently doing business with Brazil and those who are studying options in India, to better appreciate market realities and offer some practical advice on how to navigate and even expand one?s presence in the packaging space locally.
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China Packaging Machinery Market Assessment 2016

July 11, 2016
This year’s study includes macro and sector data analysis, interviews of product producers and domestic equipment manufacturers in the hotspot sub- sectors selected: Yogurt; Skin Care and Cosmetics; and Baby and Child Care. The 2016 study is an update to the study done in 2012, focusing on identifying sectors with potential continued growth for packaging machinery. After the initial analysis of historical and future growth, three sectors were identified for deeper analysis and interviews of manufacturers in these sectors as well as China domestic packaging equipment manufacturers.
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