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PMMI Podcast

Episode #80 - A Look Back at Eye-Catching Exhibits from PACK EXPO East

April 13, 2022

Guests: Natalie Craig, Managing Editor, OEM Magazine, Dave Greenfield, Director of Content, Automation World

UnPACKed with PMMI continues its look back at PACK EXPO East with PMMI Media Group’s Automation Guru Dave Greenfield from Automation World and Packaging World’s Natalie Craig. The pair highlight exciting machinery finds from the show floor, ideal for emerging brands looking to make their first inroads into packaging via form/fill/seal. Greenfield also breaks down the emergence of automation software as a tool for everything from determining OEE to helping operations lay out a clear case to the executive suite on why automation spending almost always reveals immediate ROI.



Natalie Craig

Natalie Craig

A member of the OEM editorial team since 2015, Natalie Craig was named Managing Editor in 2018. Her journalism career began when she was the managing editor of the Columbia Chronicle, which was named the "No. 1 non-daily college newspaper in the nation" during her tenure. After graduating from Columbia College with a BA in multimedia journalism, Natalie worked in Chicago's bustling tech startup scene and launched her own blog. She enjoys covering new technology and its effect on machine builders, as well as workforce development and culture issues.

David Greenfield

David Greenfield

David GreenfieldjoinedAutomation Worldin June 2011. Bringing a wealth of industry knowledge and media experience to his position, David’s contributions can be found inAW’sprint and online editions and custom projects. Earlier in his career, David was Editorial Director ofDesign Newsat UBM Electronics, and prior to joining UBM, he was Editorial Director ofControl Engineeringat Reed Business Information, where he also worked onManufacturing Business Technologyas Publisher.


Sean Riley:

Typically, at PACK EXPO East, the forum sessions are used to inform, bring up trends, business intelligence, create discussion.

Sean Riley:

With our digital download that we're going to be providing with the PMMI Media Group, our esteemed editors, is a combination of that as well as some actual actionable items that you can take out on the show floor and find.

Sean Riley:

To my immediate right, I have Natalie Craig, from Packaging World, and next to her, Dave Greenfield from Automation World.

Sean Riley:

And they're going to be giving us some of the solutions that they came across out on the show floor. It is day two.

Sean Riley:

Day two is usually when a show really starts to hit its stride, so I'm sure that Natalie and Dave have some great things to bring to the table. So with that, Natalie, what have you seen out there so far?

Natalie Craig:

I made a couple of circles around Unified Flex. They had quite a big crowd over their vertical form fill seal, which is an entry level piece of equipment.

Natalie Craig:

It does a couple of different pack styles, it does a pouch, a three seal, a four seal, and a stick pack, which is really appealing to people who have to run different packaging sizes, but also companies who are just making their way into automation and putting packaging equipment on their floor. So that was really interesting. It had a big crowd. I had to make a couple of circles back to them.

Sean Riley:

I don't want to cut you up, but that's interesting. You say that because where at PACK EXPO East, it's a regional show. It is targeting the East Coast, the Atlantic corridor, 95, whatever you want to call it.

Sean Riley:

And we get a lot of smaller companies that are coming to a packaging show for the first time, and might not understand how complex or what is available to them.

Sean Riley:

They hear automation, they think huge lines that they don't have the space for. So that sounds like something, "I have a startup, mom and pop, that this is how I get into a packaging instead of doing it myself."

Natalie Craig:

And I think that's why there was such a big crowd. Because you see a lot of people who are just barely getting their brand off the ground, but they need a way to package something efficiently and package a lot of things too.

Natalie Craig:

And so, their machine was compact. It had quite the crowd. I've seen a lot of equipment like that, that's compact entry level, semi automated, or fully automated. All of those capabilities and that flexibility is really important.

Sean Riley:

You've decided to bring your mom and pop operation out of the garage. You've been putting it in bags yourself. Now I'm going to ramp it up a little bit. I love it.

Natalie Craig:


Sean Riley:

What else?

Natalie Craig:

I saw an automated cartoner, it's compact at around 20 feet long. It's also really great for entry level companies, or even contract packages who don't have a lot of facility space.

Natalie Craig:

The really cool thing about this cartoner, is that it's also very flexible. So you could do a hand load operation, or you could fully automate it and connect it to other pieces of equipment. And so, that was also really popular. It's brand new at PMI KYOTO.

Sean Riley:

If your business continues to expand, that's going to give you different options down the line versus just being locked in with one thing.

Sean Riley:

So I like that flexibility. That's something that everybody is, obviously, always looking for here.

Natalie Craig:

For sure.

Sean Riley:

So, Dave, what have you seen out there? You're our automation guru. What fancy things do we have out there on the floor?

Dave Greenfield:

Obviously, attending any PACK EXPO show, you see all of the equipment, all these systems. And from an automation standpoint, I'm looking, typically, at the controllers, the linear actuators, obviously the robots and the cobots that everybody sees.

Dave Greenfield:

But a couple of things that stood out to me at this event and that I'm seeing coming more to the fore across the industry, is a focus on software.

Dave Greenfield:

And not just the software that you use to interact with on the machine, through the HMI to operate it, but also as a strategic tool as well.

Dave Greenfield:

Two software companies that I've met with here, specifically, focus their systems around OEE. Which is a really well known industry metric that's been around forever.

Dave Greenfield:

PMMI's OpX Leadership Network addresses it with their guidelines and tools. But in these different software packages, they're being used as part of one system.

Dave Greenfield:

It's a component part that addresses everything from labor issues to regulatory compliance. And then in another one, it's being used as a top business metric to not only handle the maintenance issues on the equipment, which is typical for OEE, but also to help justify automation investments for CapEx expenditures across the plant floor with that.

Dave Greenfield:

Speaking of that one, that was OEEsystems International. And when I was speaking with Andrew Rice there, he was talking about how the digital transformation initiative across industry is really driving a focus on continuous improvement at companies of all types.

Dave Greenfield:

And that's where he sees OEE as a business metric to be used to link it to financial systems for the CapEx investments.

Dave Greenfield:

And so that, at the executive suite level, they can understand what even a 1% gain in OEE efficiency means to the business as a whole. So that was the key thing with that.

Dave Greenfield:

This software can run on a server on equipment, or in the cloud, which is a interesting connection to the other piece of software that I saw from SafetyChain.

Dave Greenfield:

That is a total software as a service application that you subscribe to it. It's delivered from the cloud. That's the one that I was referring to earlier, that addresses everything from labor issues on through to compliance.

Dave Greenfield:

It's actually used to track worker steps and worker input from everything, from receiving to processing. It also has OEE and statistical process control, and on through to regulatory compliance.

Dave Greenfield:

And a big issue with this software, as Kevin Lee, who I met with there was telling me, is it's personalizable. And easily personalizable without having to program the software that you can create forms in it.

Dave Greenfield:

And an example he gave was recently during COVID, one of the government agencies had added a new requirement, that they had to tell how many fans they had in the facility for ventilation reasons.

Dave Greenfield:

That was something they didn't normally track for regulatory compliance in a food processing plant, for this agency, anyways. And they were able.

Dave Greenfield:

And this was something that the company initially looked at and thought was going to be a huge undertaking to add this to their form.

Dave Greenfield:

But with this software, they were able to create a form in one instance, send it out to all the plants. Which was very easy for each of the plants to input that information in.

Dave Greenfield:

Because the guys in the plant know how many fans are in there. And they had all that information within 24 hours. And that software links to the regular compliance agencies so that they can see the data externally. So you don't have to prepare for an audit. The agencies can see that data in their system via a web browser.

Sean Riley:

You said so many things that-

Dave Greenfield:

I know

Sean Riley:

No, no. ... that triggered thoughts in my head that I have to now sort them out. And in my age, that's not easy.

Sean Riley:

The first thing I was thinking, and you touched on that, was, every study that we see, every business intelligent PMMI puts out, every story that you seem to cover on automation, the hardest thing is getting the people on the floor; the operations people, the engineers that are putting it together, need this automation.

Sean Riley:

They need this or robotics to make it work. But getting that all the way up the chain to the executive level and getting them to sign off on that, seems probably their most difficult challenge, often.

Sean Riley:

And what you are saying with this simple OEE... Not that OEE is simple. I'm not going to try to explain it. But it is relatively simple in this case, it's something that they can use this to technology for as well.

Dave Greenfield:

Yap. Beyond showing the plant floor workers what to focus on and where they should be focusing their maintenance efforts, it then shows the executive level what things are costing them.

Dave Greenfield:

And then, like I said, how to justify investments on, "Do we add a new line? Do we add a new machine? And what can we expect is an ROI from that based on what we're seeing currently, does this machine run faster? Does it have a higher throughput?" Whatever the case might be, it helps and then justify that calculation.

Sean Riley:

And then, with software as a service, it immediately makes me think that this is something that is allowing the people on the floor to be more invested in their job.

Sean Riley:

They are solving a problem with this government came in and government regulation that they needed to have, how many fans, we need to be able to report on this.

Sean Riley:

And it's something simple that, they're on the floor and they're figuring out on the fly, how many that is. It keeps them more invested in their job versus, again, the manufacturing, as this dirty facility where you're just putting stuff in a box over and over.

Sean Riley:

This is something where they're literally solving a problem that goes all the way up the chain. And I have to think that's something that's going to empower them as workers, which we know is a difficult thing in our workforce for manufacturer.

Dave Greenfield:

And it gives them direct feedback. As well as they enter information into the system, it gives them feedback. If a weight of a package is over or under, it gives them immediate feedback on the task list. If that's over the set parameters in the system, so they can make adjustments right then and there on the spot.

Sean Riley:

I really love that. It gives you that sense of empowerment. So those are four great things that you guys should take part, and go out and make sure that you stop by and take a look at. If you aren't at the show and are able to see it online, please visit our virtual exhibits online