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PMMI Podcast

Episode #40 - The Temperature of the OEM Community

August 3, 2020

Guest: Stephanie Neil, Editor in Chief, OEM Magazine

Wondering how the packaging and processing OEM community is acclimating during the pandemic? Stephanie Neil, Editor in Chief of OEM Magazine, returns to the podcast, this time on the other side of the microphone, and discusses how OEMs can push through or even get ahead during an economic recession. Her background as a long time contributor to Automation World also helps her identify control systems and technologies impacting today's machine builders.



Stephanie Neil

Stephanie Neil

Stephanie Neil has been reporting on business and technology for over 20 years and was named Editor in Chief of OEM in 2018. She joined PMMI Media Group's Automation World in 2015, where she contributes as Senior Editor. Earlier in her career, she was Senior Editor at Thomas Publishing's Managing Automation and a community manager for Manufacturing-Executive.com. Stephanie has a wealth of knowledge in CPG, food and beverage, and pharmaceutical manufacturing technologies and covers engineering, trends, workforce development and more.
