Cross Border Trade Updates
February 24, 2025

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- Reciprocal Trade Action:
- US Trade Representative (USTR) announced it was seeking public comments on unfair and non-reciprocal foreign trade practices by trading partners (FRN 3390-F4). Comments are due by 11 March and can be submitted through the USTR comments portal. Comments will inform USTRs mandated review and recommendations of foreign trade practices, but USTR reserves the ability to take action in advance of the submissions.
- Port fees for Chinese built or operated ships:
- US Trade Representative announced a detailed list of proposed fees and other shipping restrictions on Chinese-built or operated ships that dock at US ports to counter unfair policies that allowed China to dominate the shipbuilding industry. Proposals include charging up to $1.5 million for Chinese-built vessels entering US ports. Given the magnitude, the fee may be passed by vessel operators to the importer of record of products transported in the targeted ships. USTR is seeking public comments on the proposed action by 24 March (public hearing schedule for the same date) and comments can be submitted through the USTR comments portal.
- USTRs proposal are the continuation of a probe initiated during the final days of the Biden administration and align with President Trump’s policy of addressing foreign unfair trade actions.