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CIS Version 8 of the Critical Internet Security Controls

September 15, 2022
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In May of 2021, the Center for Internet Security released version 8 of their Critical Security Controls framework.  With this major version update came a number of additions to keep up with the evolution of cyber threats and changing uses of technology that need to be considered for security.  Some of these changes include moving to cloud-based infrastructure, increased mobility and work-from-home, and changing attacker tactics.  The controls list was also re-organized into a framework of 18 distinct control areas that build on each other to help organizations achieve a strengthened level of security overall.

To read more about the framework and get access to tools and training on how to implement this important framework, click here.

If your organization has not taken steps to become familiar with the 18 control areas of the CIS framework, you may be leaving your organization open to potential cyber attacks.  We encourage you to have conversations with whoever is responsible for cybersecurity at your company or with any vendors you may use for support, to begin the conversation and get on the road to becoming better protected from cyber attacks.