Industry Reports

2022 Industry Reports


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2022 Industry Reports

The automation of processes in the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry is a clear route to achieving greater efficiency, quality, and productivity. While automation isn?t a new thing, widespread

Global challenges such as supply chain disruption, longstanding skills and recruitment issues, and cybersecurity concerns are all facing companies, so it is important to look at the ways in which new

The meat, poultry, seafood, and alternative protein industries have been volatile in the last few years with volumes, revenue, and overall growth affected unevenly by myriad factors including supply

The PMMI 2022 Robot and Cobots report presents emerging technologies and compiles predicted growth in the years ahead. It examines the predictions made three years ago in the 2019 Robotics Report:

Sustainability is the new watchword for a huge and growing band of consumers. The packaging industry, perhaps unfairly, is seen as one of the worst environmental offenders. Download the white paper

This report focuses on four themes: collaboration, labor, productivity, and sustainability.

Over the last few years, the pharmaceutical industry has entered a phase of rapid evolution as the focus of therapeutic treatment delivery methods shifts in medicine. Specifically, the pharmaceutical