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PackSafe® Software

PMMI is proud to present PackSafe® Software.

Risk assessments can be difficult, but PackSafe® helps minimize the pain and finish your assessments faster. This revision of the PackSafe® software focuses on creating a program that is more intuitive, more convenient, more visual and includes more resources and creates more with less. This new version improves the speed and flexibility of performing risk assessments. We have also provided new control system assessment functionality, compatible with Windows 9, dynamic checklist and risk reduction measure updates

List Price

Single seat license: $3,450.00
Multi-user 5-seat license:

PMMI Member Price

Single seat license: $2,900.00
Multi-user 5-seat license:


A 5% discount is offered to members who attend one of the PMMI sponsored Risk Assessment training sessions.

What is PackSafe?

  • An assessment tool for improving product designs and processes
  • A systematic method for conducting a task-based risk assessment
  • A technique for eliminating and controlling hazards
  • A tool to incorporate safety by design

What does PackSafe do?

  • Gives designers a quick and easy tool to evaluate hazards and risks through design
  • Helps companies identify potential hazards and provides methods for elimination
  • Assists design engineers in completing a risk assessment for there product/processes
  • Prevents accidents, reduces costs, improves productivity and reduces liability
  • Prioritizes design activities related to risk

What are the benefits of PackSafe?

  • Helps user recognize hazards that might otherwise be overlooked
  • Helps prompt risk reduction actions for existing hazards
  • Fast and easy
  • Assists in obtaining the CE mark for European markets
  • Can be updated continuously and printed out
  • Minimizes assessment time
  • Reduces costs
  • Can be customized to your needs
  • Easy method to document assessments
  • Brainstorming tool to help identify hazards

Does it help with standard compliance?

Many industry standards at both national and international level require risk assessment. The software will help you comply with the following standards:

  • machinery and machine tool (ANSI B11.0),
  • robotics (ANSI/RIA R15.06),
  • packaging machinery (ANSI/PMMI B155.1),
  • safety of machinery (ISO 12100),
  • semiconductor (SEMI S10),
  • occupational management systems (ANSI Z10),
  • military (MIL-STD 882) and
  • many others

Request A Free Demo

PMMI offers the opportunity to download a demo version of the software. The goal of the software is to help eliminate potential hazards before they reach the user. Through design evaluations, risk assessments and proprietary engineering tools, we want to work with you to eliminate potential safety problems early in the design process. To begin downloading the latest demo version of the software, please complete the form below.

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Please contact Tom Eagan, Vice President, Industry Services at [email protected].